Fevered Apostolic Tour

During this mini 'apostolic tour' I swam in the sea and  suffered creeping damp followed by fevered coughing - but continued  until doing this blog now back at home:

Friday - Cambridge meeting at Sally Steen's house on A for Aidan and Action for Justice Day.

Sat/Sun - Sprowston church week-end with Simon Stokes and St Cuthbert's,  Annual session with one of our Orthodox members.

Monday - Norwich Coffee morning at George and Mollie Richard's house, visits to  Bowthorpe's Saint Michael's Workshops, minister elect, Gary H and sister Sally.

Tuesday - Whitby

Wednesday - Hartlepool. Invited to welcome Linda Butler on behalf of CA&H on her induction as priest of St Luke's.

Saturday - Preston. A day on Celtic Wisdom and Poet Warriors with some sixty seriously dedicated Christians at Our Lady of Carmel Ecumenical Centre.

Sunday -  from Bergen: Ten members of a Norwegian Business Consultancy - all Christians - spend an hour at White House listening and questioning

Monday/Wednesday - Marseilles: visit site where John Cassian introduced desert spirituality to Europe (crypt of Abbaye St Viktor) and the Old Port fort where pilgrims in the seventh century might have strayed at the bishopric - grist to my historical novel on Aidan.

Today I am recovering. Tomorrow I lead a contemplative Atrium hour and preach at the evening service of Barclay student-friendly church, Edinburgh.  May quiet dews replace fevered brows.

Posted at 06:57am on 15th September 2012
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