Wow! Taste And See! Web Site Renovation!

My web site now features:

* Over fifty of my books

* Over sixty downloads of talks and lectures

* Over seventy blogs

* Over four thousand tweets

* A media section with info about You-tubes and podcasts

* Updated info about Lindisfarne facilities and Pilgrimage

* Updated info about me, CAH and the Way of Life in Russian, Chinese, French, Welsh and English.

* and much more ...

Taste and see for yourself!



Dear all

Would you or someone you know be interested in a retreat on Holy Island? We have availability as follows:

03-06 July -       Starbank Cottage (SB)
07-09/10 July - High Rigg (HR)
14-19 July -       SB
01-03 Aug         SB
04-06/07 Aug   HR
25-27/28           SB
28 Aug-01 Sep HR

There is also some availability in both properties between September and December.

If you are interested, just click on "Reply".

If you want to check on availability any time, just follow these links:

High Rigg House

Starbank Cottage

One more point: we would rather see the properties occupied than vacant, so if financial constraints are preventing you, you can apply for a bursary 😊

And finally, if you'd like to join an organised retreat, check these out here.

Every Blessing

Richard Brassington

Bookings Manager


Tel: 07963 617071 / 01757 670099




Anamchara Books this week published The Orbit of God's Love: Prayers and Meditations for Each Day of the Year which includes entries from myself, Kenneth McIntosh and David Cole.

Posted at 14:34pm on 1st June 2023
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Shalom!: Celtic Prayers for Wholeness and Healing
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