Volcanic Clouds - It's Still Easter!

The Spirit moved as I led prayers at the 8.0 am Eucharist at St Mary's on Holy Island this morning. Manfred, who was prevented by volcanic clouds from flying back to Germany from our London Caim Council meeting, was present. He pressed me to put these on the blog - but can I remember?

They began with an echo of a prayer of Gregory of Nazianzus.'Yesterday I was crucified with Christ; today I am glorified with him. Yesterday I was dead with Christ; today I am alive with him. Yesterday I was in despair; today Christ's hope fills my being.'

Yesterday we thought humans controlled the natural world and God was peripheral. The grounding of planes by the volcanic clouds reminds us of Jesus' words that only the meek shall inherit the earth. In future may we travel wisely and sparingly. May we eat what comes from the earth we know and in the season, so that the earth may be replenshed and the poorest in lands without plenty may eat as well as sell the food they produce. May those who serve in finance and government put money in its place and seek the well-being and integrity of the earth and all its people.'

Now you can continue ...

Posted at 01:12am on 20th April 2010
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