Toothache, Copenhagen And The X Factor.

This week I blog from the micro to the macro. I've had raging toothache, a new dentist, painkillers and antibiotics. So I was laid up for the farewell celebrations for our Holy Island Vicar, Brother Damian. Bad but small matter.

Fifty days ago the UK Prime Minister said we had fifty days to save the earth, but the Copenhagen summit ended with no legal agreements. Low-lying nations will now certainly be washed out. The 'all must sign up or none will sign up' approach is not the only option - and it appears culturally abusive to countries like China. Why not a vast internet campaign in which countries and organisations commit to X, Y, and Z and ask who will be next to sign up? With gathering momentum, few countries would want to be branded as the ecological black sheep. Let's also take this thing out of the hands of the control freaks. We need a spirituality that cherishes the earth because that is what humans are called to and earth deserves, and because we reap what we sow. As we learn to commit to one another at the local level, we can build up a feel among nations for what it means for us to commit to one another.

Take heart from the fact that Simon Cowell's X Factor winner sold fewer CD's than the 'Rage against the Machine' counter revolution on Facebook. Jesus helped people see through the religious set-up run by Pharisees that was all show. Is today's equivalent the Cult of Celebrity? Sherlock Holmes sussed this out. He said that celebrity is the last refuge of the fool. Let's have a revolution of the real.

Posted at 01:13am on 21st December 2009
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