The Archishop, Holy Island And A Uganda Village.

I met recently retired Archbishop Sentamu at a post-Covid-restrictions dinner yesterday.  He told me that when he was offered a place in UK's Second Chamber ('The House of Lords') he asked that he be given the title 'Baron of Lindisfarne and Masooli'.  The powers that be granted him Lindisfarne but questioned the use of the tiny Ugandan village where he was born. So Sentamu referred the matter to the Queen. 'Arn't Uganda and its villages part of the Commonwealth?' she rhetorically asked. That settled the question!

Let us hope that those Governments that survive Climate Catastrophe will have second chambers, or senates throughout the British and Irish Isles and the Commonwealth.  And let us hope that many of their members will be senators of a holy place and of a Commonwealth village, however small.

The mindless human greed rush is about to turn the planet into a valley of dry bones. Resurrect the dry bones through mass repentance.
Posted at 09:10am on 23rd July 2021
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