The Abba And The Rabbi
The parish at Gympie, Queensland began their pilgrimage to Lindisfarne, Whitby and Iona with a long week-end at The Open Gate. They were loving hosts to me last year. Their parish priest, Father Andrew, reminds me of the Abbas of old-time monastic churches. He is totally human, and does not disguise weakness, and everyone loves him and loves God and loves one another for better or worse. It was a joy to accompany them during their times of reflection prayer and eating. The party included two friends from Buderim, where our Community has members. I would encourage anyone in Australia who needs a soul friend to seek out Father Andrew. On their last night our new wardens, Kevin and Lesley, played and sang songs from different parts of the British Isles with Ireland.
Hardly had they departed than a new retreat began with David Cole on The Celtic Way of Discipleship. Both Andrew and David passed on a memorable quote. 'If you preach about mumps and have measles your hearers will catch measles' was Andrew's quote. David passed on the Jewish saying ‘May you be covered in the dust of the rabbi’. If you have a good teacher, adhere closely to her or him. That includes Rabbi Jesus. Maybe Rabbi David too.
Since I am still not able to move to Berwick I have booked in to the Berwick Literary Festival. I have purchased tickets for sessions on Hadrian's Wall, Scottish History, The Real Magna Carta and the Book of Ways. What a way to live.
Posted at 03:52am on 18th October 2016
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