Reviews, Podcasts And Tweets

Yesterday I recorded a podcast with Forrest Inslee in USA of Circlewoood Earthcaster’s Podcasts. He says that reading Celtic Christianity and Climate Crisis Sacristy is renewaing his hope.  More info shortly.

 Review in Transforming Ministry

Celtic Christianity and Climate Crisis

Ray Simpson

Sacristy £12.99 pbk

 This book, by the Founding Guardian of the Community of Aidan and Hilda, a distinguished author on Celtic spirituality, is an apology for the integrity and contemporary relevance of Celtic Christianity. Simpson’s methodology repeatedly turns analytically careful defence into rousing commendation. Each chapter presents a serious criticism of Celtic Christianity, constructs a riposte grounded in historical evidence and current practice, and formulates one of ‘Twelve Keys for the Future of the Church’ (as the book’s subtitle calls them) that Simpson argues Celtic Christianity uniquely offers us. For example, chapter one demolishes the assertion that Celtic Christianity has nothing distinctive to say about nature, concluding that, in the context of the climate crisis: ‘The world needs to draw inspiration from people [i.e. Celtic Christians] who cherish creation because they find God at its heart…. This attractive book will interest many who are devoted to Celtic Christianity…



Planetary Providence, in St. Swithin's time you warned your people through forty days of rain: you warn us now through fire, flood and virus to change our ways or suffer devastation. Help us make a change today. #StSwithunsDay.

Posted at 09:23am on 15th July 2021
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