Olympic Flame Of Prayer


The 2012 Olympic Games draw together the world’s sports lovers in hope. The Games began in honour of the god Zeus, which the Olympic Hymn still reflects. The Olympic Flame, carried by runners to herald the Games, was introduced by Hitler. Celebrating raw energy is not enough to  create lasting goodwill and peace on earth.  Churches Together in Britain and Ireland have  introduced ‘More than Gold’, a praise bus that goes ahead of each flame bearer through 70 towns and cities, and encourages everyone to ‘shine as the flame travels’.  Flame bearers accompany runners and pray for the next town or city. On July 27 church bells throughout the host country rang in welcome.
Various prayer networks have produced a booklet for 70 days of decree and blessings during the Torch Relay. See www.call2prayer.co.uk   These blessings range from freeing people from different kinds of slavery to invoking God’s glory and bringing a deep change of atmosphere into our society.This initiative is inspired by this 2005 prophecy of Brian Mills, Director of the InterPrayer International Fellowship: ‘That , when hundreds of thousands of athletes, media, supporters and organisers, come for the 2012 Olympics, God’s people will be ready to welcome them into the presence of God….’
Followers of our Way of Life commit to support such national and international initiatives in prayer. We are also steeped in the God-given concept that we should ‘pass on the flame’ of faith, as does Saint Aidan in our logo.
Join in the prayer. Tell others. Pass on the flame


Posted at 02:36am on 27th July 2012
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