A Model For The World - The (heavenly) Jerusalem

Friends, movements and governments take different sides in the Israeli/US war against Arab uprisings.

Many campaign for justice.  Justice has been denied the Palestinians for over 70 years.  A former Vicar of Nazareth told me how Israeli forces gunned him and countless others out of their homes.  Since then Palestinians have been treated as semi-human half prisoners.

Many US Christians on the Right campaign for Israel (right or wrong) because they think the restoration of Jerusalem will presage the physical return of Christ.  My sister-in-law, Agnete Simpson, who is a leader in a Pentecostal Church and  is nearly ninety, was invited to give a talk on the New Testament teaching about Jerusalem during large-scale processions in Ireland.  She has carefully studied New Testament teaching and proclaims that it never calls for the physical Jerusalem to be restored to Jews who reject their Messiah: rather Jerusalem is used as a metaphor for God's kingdom of perfect justice and harmony for all who want good and God in heaven.

I urge all Jews to heed their prophet Isaiah's depiction of their coming Messiah as a Suffering Messiah.

I urge leaders of all government to study the art of turning enemies into friends - that should be the long-term foreign policy of all governments.

Jesus asked all of us to pray 'Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven'.  Jewish politican Malcom Rifkind has called for peace-making along the lines of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement.  

Pray for this.  Practice this.

Listen to Agnete's talk: https://youtu.be/qKEQuZHM5kw?si=v8CVJXY-wSFZvvLL



Posted at 10:47am on 4th October 2024
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