Light In The Darkness From Gaza

Many view this You Tube sermon by the Lutheran pastor of Bethlehem's Church of the Holy Nativity:

In response I wrote the letter below:

Dear Rev. Gunther,  

I have listened to your You Tube message and my heart bleeds with you.  If I could have been with you in Bethlehem I would.  I have spread the 'Jesus is born in the Gaza rubble' message on my blog, and in my Christmas letter, including members of my international new monastic community of Aidan and Hilda.

Do not believe that all your fellow believers in the Body of Christ have turned their backs on you.  Many of us carry you in our hearts.  And in my own country of Britain the Justice for Palestine Marches have been huge, frequent and well-publicised.

I support the Balfour Project which calls Britain to honour its moral duty to fulfil its promise of a homeland for Palestinians, even though we have no legal authority now.

Despite the slaughter of the innocents the light spread, and it will spread again.

Ray Simpson


Maya the light spread  through you all in 2024/



Ray Simpson 

Posted at 17:53pm on 30th December 2023
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