I'm On Twitter

I swore I would not Tweet. Until the Enneagram course. I am a Type 4. Redeemed 4's go deep within to their place of authenticity. Then they have to connect, not by socialising with a few but by sharing with the many. So it has to be.

My first Tweet, which no one listened to, was: May I tweet with the melody of the lark, the wisdom of the owl, the impact of the wild goose, in the name of The Holy Dove. Google www.twitter.com/whitehouseviews

A hermit who lives in a prayer house visited. The prayer house is provided by the local church. The hermit welcomes people to Quiet Days there, and offers his services to the church on Sundays. I have long searched for such places. How good!

Posted at 07:59am on 24th April 2010
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