From Holy Island With Covid

For the first time since pre-pandemic I stayed overnight on Holy Island with Faith and Scott Brennan in order to share in the Easter Saturday beach fire, lighting of the Easter Candle, mass, and renewal of baptism vows.  

Sadly, half the Northern Cross pilgrims contracted covid and had to pull out, and numbers were down but I would not have missed it.  

Sunday morning I was lousy aand drove straight home, and tested positive for covid.  I lay down - but on my stressless Norwegian chair which enabled me to watch BBC TV Songs of Praise from Holy Island. The programme makers had little grasp of Holy Island's significance, and filled in spots with incompatible canned music, but two highlights made up for this.  Sarah Hills, the Vicar, pointed out that the scribbled translation in the Lindisfarne Gospels ('the Book that made Britain' Sunday Times) was a sign hat the Gospel was for ordinary English speaking people world-wide not just for Latin-reading monks.  Ash Barker, who has taken vows with The Community of Aidan and Hilda, spoke memorable words (which I have forgotten!!) about the Changemakers network from inner city areas he brings to Lindisfarne each year and how they find freshness and inspiration from their visits.  Look this up.

P.S. I now learn that most people who took part in a public rehearsal and performance of Stainer's Crucifixion at Holy Trinity Berwick on Good Friday succombed to Covid - so the spreader was further north!

I must isolate for seven days. But you must reach out.

Pray for me.




Posted at 11:30am on 20th April 2022
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