From The Folk High School, Stavern, Norway
Greetings from this lovely High School by the sea. I am with about 130 pastors and youth workers of Norway's Free Lutheran Church. Their aim is to have deep roots in Scripture and be fellowships that are open to the world. I have led workshops on 'Being the Church in a New Time'. In between there has been storytelling in an underground cave, a football match and personal contacts with many interesting people: the theologian who works on the Dead Sea Scrolls, the bridegroom who prepares for two days of wedding celebrations at Lindisfarne and Wedderburn Castle, late night conversation on conflict resolution. A constant phrase has been 'We must get outside the box'.
Several people here are soul friends to those who follow our Way of Life and we shared insights about life coaching. Sven Aasmundveit, the Director of the Free Lutheran Study Centre in Oslo, has completed a book entitled (in Norwegian) 'Athletes of Christ'; this will be a good resource. The Chairman of the Synod tells me that excellent relationships are growing, not only with the State Church, but also with the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches which are reviving in Norway after centuries of absence.
Now by Ryanair back to Glasgow, and to Holy Island by car. Who is on the plane? A group from Norway led by Mecky Wohlenberg!