An Easter Message
Each evening during Holy Week I have listened to talks full of insight at Holy Trinity Church, Berwick.
The speaker pointed out that the Jews' great leader, Moses, looked towards a promised land when he died; Buddha had schools of monks lined up when he died, and Muhammed had legions of soldiers heading off to fight the infidel when he died. In contrast, Jesus had nothing. He seemed a failure in this world's eyes. He was arrested and died an ignominious death, with just a handful of despairing followers. Yet, by forfeiting all worldly ambition, and by his total self-giving even while being cruelly crucified, he revealed the nature of the Divine - Defenceless Love - and because he was the Divine Incarnate, he rose from the dead.
The Jews' temple had a hierarchy of 'ticket holders'. Foreigners were allowed in the outer courts. Jewish women were allowed in the next area, Jewish men in the next, and only one person (the high priest) was allowed in the Holy of Holies once a year. When Jesus died the thick separating curtain in the inmost space was torn apart. Jesus, by his death and resurrection, decared all people equal. There were no longer grades according to race, gender or class - every human being was a royal child of God.
Recently I have had correspondence with people who have rejected Christianity because it has killed witches, heretics, slaves etc. All religions have, at times become prisoner of cultural imperialism. But the pure spirit of Jesus has sooner or later broken through, inspiring people to abolish child labour and slavery, to give women equal rights, and to ennoble the poor.
The Vicar of Holy Trinity writes this in his Easter card to local residents:Â 'Easter is a time to look deeper into the feast and discover the treasure that it contains for all of us. It is an invitation to see what God can do in the darkest moments of our existence, turning loneliness, weakness and despair into strength, hope, beauty and happiness. In a world which contains so much darkness, not least in Ukraine, we need to see and bring to others the new light of love, which never ends, never dies and brings peace...'
I wish you a Happy East!