Cafes, Clubs And Celtic Vision
My New Year Message is on site beside the Blog. Meanwhile I hear from my namesake, a Methodist named Maureen Simpson who writes: RE Topic: CAFES, CLUBS AND MOTHER WINSOME GET THE METHODISTS OUT OF THEIR CHURCHES . Wow we struggled to get them out of dangerous pews onto lovely red soft chairs, They are still playing musical chairs because we have 2 rows less, and we have 140 chairs for 24 people.
I looked for God in the church But found rows of chairs And rows of posh frocked people Claiming they were theirs
I sought him in the doctrine Rules and Hats galore I sought him in theology But knew there was much more
I stepped aside from all this My self to explore And there I found bliss He gave me more and more
I visited creation hospitality and care And then inside my inner self I found my God was there