Advent Is Now
Sammy and Kylie Horner of Toronto (The Sweet Sorrows) plan an April UK tour. If you'd like to arrange a gig please contact them on Facebook.
The highest sea surge for sixty years plunged Holy Island into darkness. The Open Gate had just closed for major renovation. But since the Calor Gas had not yet been removed we invited people in to have a hot meal. Jamie moved into High Rigg, whose new owners, Janet and Ray Bissex, have generously allowed the Community to use for volunteers and one guest. The trustees came, we held a House Blessing, and Carol cooked us all a meal.
Graham was off to Whitby again. An evangelical group who wish to plant a café church are meeting regularly with Sisters of the Order of the Holy Paraclete to discern God's leading for Whitby, and Graham, on behalf of CA&H, is a third party and a facilitator. Pray for them and for Whitby.