Ray's Blog: June 2017
Summer Festival In Denmark
I am at Areopagos' 2017 Summer School at Haslev, Denmark. Its theme is The Art of Balance. Denmark's Pilgrim Pastor, Elizabeth Knox-Seith interviews me for the Talk Show, and I give the final address on the theme Holistic Christianity: Healing the Split in Western Christendom. You can download the...Posted at 01:24am on 27th June 2017
Creative Writing
Now in its second...
Posted at 06:02am on 23rd June 2017
Wednesday Lunches With Desert Fathers
Ragnild Ogaard from Oslo gave two glorious gifts for our Celtic Christian Studies Library at our Annual Gathering. They were newly published Norwegian books. The first translates into English, according to her, as 'Lunch on Wednesdays with the Desert Fathers.' This little volume is written by Sven Aasmundtveit, a...Posted at 08:51am on 13th June 2017
Christ At The Fault Lines
I am with a crowd. It’s The Community of Aidan and Hilda’s Annual Gathering at Windmill Farm Center Oxfordshire, UK. Our theme is ‘Faith, Hope and Love on the Fault-lines’. Our Community Soul Friend, Peter Neilson, recently returned from The Holy Land. He discovered that Jesus, Son of God,...Posted at 08:22am on 10th June 2017
Walls Or Divine Connections?
No Man Is an Island is the theme of Edinburgh's Abbey Summer School this year. These summer schools are inspired by Regents' College, Vancouver. The world's focus on Trump's walls and Brexit's border controls makes the theme timely.Julie Canlis' opening address defined the false individualism that characterises the Anglo-Saxons...
Posted at 09:52am on 2nd June 2017
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In our disappointments, lift us up. In our denials, lift us up. In our duties, lift us up. Ascended Jesus, lift us up. #Ascensiontide
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RT @PeteGreig: The Day of #Ascension means that the resurrected Jesus who was once somewhere at one time for some is now everywhere, always…