Ray Simpson is Founding Guardian of the International Community of Aidan and Hilda and is a well known author. In 2016 he moved from the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, UK, where the Community has a base for resources, study and retreat to a new Community House in Berwick-Upon-Tweed on the nearby mainland.

A USA voter has sent me a link to a mass movement that claims to be the incoming 'Christian' ideology: https://www.bing.com/search?q=POLITICS+The+Army+of+God+Comes+Out+of+the+Shadows+Tens+of+millions+of+American+Christians+are+embracing+a+charismatic+movement+known+as+the+New+Apostolic+Reformation%2C+which+seeks+to+destroy+the+secular+state.+By+Stephanie+McCrummen&cvid=9dc952c4b10940148421dc72da553d8e&gs_lcrp=EgRlZGdlKgYIABBFGDkyBggAEEUYOdIBCDM2NzZqMGo0qAIIsAIB&FORM=ANAB01&PC=SCO He asks what he can do about it. I have sent him the following Reality Check: Jesus’ Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Person Test, Luke 16:19-31. The rich...
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Aidan of Lindisfarne

Aidan's life in Ireland, Iona and Northumbria - a hero's journey.

a prayer...

We arise today
in the wisdom of the One
who brought to birth the giant plains,
the water and the first beings.
We arise today
in the brightness of the One
who created the blazing sun,
the shining stars and the twinkle in our eyes.
We arise today
in the mercy of the One
who gave us dreams
and memories and hearts.

Taken from
Shalom!: Celtic Prayers for Wholeness and Healing
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The Way of Life For the Third Millennium (Hardback)
£16.99 + P&P
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